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Thursday, August 21, 2003

CIA - The World Factbook oh now you can be as smart as Donny R. It is an interesting site. It has bsic facts on every country in the world, selectable from a drop down list. It includes some maps and flags.
test: where is Bassas da India..... This is a great site to get a grasp on what a country is about. IT even include hot international issues- Disputes - international and countries roll as a producer of sadly we need country's roll as a consumer of also gives aids information. It goes without saying not use it as your only source....same is true of anything on the web these days

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Can you say quagmire quagmire quagmire quagmire quagmire quagmire
U.S. Abandons Idea of Bigger U.N. Role in Iraq Occupation: "U.S. Abandons Idea of Bigger U.N. Role in Iraq Occupation

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 — The Bush administration has abandoned the idea of giving the United Nations more of a role in the occupation of Iraq as sought by France, India and other countries as a condition for their participation in peacekeeping there, administration officials said today.
Instead, the officials said, the United States would widen its effort to enlist other countries to assist the occupation forces in Iraq, which are dominated by the 139,000 United States troops there......"

AT WHOS G.D. expences are we playing this political game .... OUR CHILDRENS, that whos!!!!!!!! so BECHTEL and companies like Halliburton, the Texas oil services company where Vice President Dick Cheney was chief executive from 1995 to 2000 can have its fat profit from rebuilding IRAQ ?
BECHTEL is the same company responsible for the cost over-runs in the BOSTON BIG DIG!!

Friday, August 08, 2003

her is a cool site for museum "class A" Web exhibits
it covers sites having exhibits for MANY subjects. Hear are two examples:
Music & dance
this was first mentined in ResearchBuzz great site for what new and cool on the web when it comes to searching, information, and data

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

It is a sad day for programmers and QA engineers. I ask you to stop primate programming before it get out of control. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz sees it as a way for defense contractors to keep the fat, while trimming the costs of new military software use in the war on you know what.... Larry Ellison of ORacle said: no comment

Primate Programming Inc: The Evolution of Java and .NET Training
Enlightenment what is it?: one view on enlightenment
"...The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen - gives the following definition. "The word Enlightenment is used to translate the Sanskrit term bodhi (literally awakened) and the Japanese satori. A person awakens to the nowness of emptiness which he himself is - even as the entire universe is emptiness - and which alone enables him to comprehend the true nature of things. Since enlightenment is repeatedly misunderstood as an experience of light and experiences of light wrongly understood as enlightenment, the term awakening is preferable, since it more accurately conveys the experience. The emptiness experienced here is no nihilistic emptiness, rather it is something unpreceivable, unthinkable, unfeelable, and endless beyond existence and nonexistence. Emptiness is no object that could be experienced by a subject, since the subject itself is dissolved in the emptiness."

The Shambhala Dictionary goes on to say, "The perfect enlightenment of Buddha is the beginning of the buddhadharma, i.e., that which is known as Buddhism. Buddhism is basically a religion of enlightenment, without this experience there would be no Buddhism....." from The Dyad Way page at